Vitamins and Its role on our health
Vitamins and Its role on our health
Vitamins are organic compounds that people need in small quantities. Most vitamins need to come from food because the body either does not produce them or produces very little. Different vitamins play different roles in the body, and a person requires a different amount of each vitamin to stay healthy.
A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient which an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism. Essential nutrients cannot be synthesized in the organism, either at all or not in sufficient quantities, and therefore must be obtained through the diet.
Each organism has different vitamin requirements. For humans, vitamin D is not available in large enough quantities in food. The human body synthesizes the vitamin when exposed to sunlight, and this is the best source of vitamin D. Other example, humans need to get vitamin C from their diets, while dogs can produce all the vitamin C that they need.
Vitamins are either soluble, or dissolvable, in fat or water.
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. The body stores fat-soluble vitamins in fatty tissue and the liver, and reserves of these vitamins can stay in the body for days and sometimes months. Dietary fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins through the intestinal tract.
Water-soluble vitamins
Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for long and cannot be stored. They leave the body via the urine. Because of this, people need a more regular supply of water-soluble vitamins than fat-soluble ones.Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are water-soluble.
The 13 vitamins and its role
Vitamin A. It is fat-soluble.
Chemical names: retinol, retinal, and “the four carotenoids,” including beta carotene.
Function: It is essential for eye health.
Deficiency: This may cause night blindness and keratomalacia, which causes the clear front layer of the eye to grow dry and cloudy.
Good sources: These include liver, cod liver oil, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, butter, kale, spinach, pumpkins, collard greens, some cheeses, eggs, apricots, cantaloupe melon, and milk.
Vitamin B1. It is water-soluble.
Chemical name: thiamine.
Function: It is essential for producing various enzymes that help break down blood sugar.
Deficiency: This may cause beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
Good sources: These include yeast, pork, cereal grains, sunflower seeds, brown rice, whole grain rye, asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, liver, and eggs.
Vitamin B2. It is water-soluble.
Chemical name: riboflavin.
Function: It is essential for the growth and development of body cells and helps metabolize food.
Deficiency: Symptoms include inflammation of the lips and fissures in the mouth.
Good sources: These include asparagus, bananas, persimmons, okra, chard, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, fish, and green beans.
Vitamin B3. It is water-soluble.
Chemical names: niacin, niacinamide.
Function: The body needs niacin for the cells to grow and work correctly.
Deficiency: Low levels result in a health issue called pellagra, which causes diarrhea, skin changes, and intestinal upset.
Good sources: Examples include chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, milk, eggs, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, nuts and seeds, tofu, and lentils.
Vitamin B5. It is water-soluble.
Chemical name: pantothenic acid.
Function: It is necessary for producing energy and hormones.
Deficiency: Symptoms include paresthesia, or “pins and needles.”
Good sources: These include meats, whole grains, broccoli, avocados, and yogurt.
Vitamin B6. It is water-soluble.
Chemical names: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal.
Function: It is vital for the formation of red blood cells.
Deficiency: Low levels may lead to anemia and peripheral neuropathy.
Good sources: These include chickpeas, beef liver, bananas, squash, and nuts.
Vitamin B7. It is water-soluble.
Chemical name: biotin.
Function: It enables the body to metabolize proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It also contributes to keratin, a structural protein in the skin, hair, and nails.
Deficiency: Low levels may cause dermatitis or inflammation of the intestines.
Good sources: These include egg yolk, liver, broccoli, spinach, and cheese.
Vitamin B9. It is water-soluble
Chemical names: folic acid, folinic acid.
Functions: It is essential for making DNA and RNA.
Deficiency: During pregnancy, this can affect the fetus’s nervous system. Doctors recommend folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy.
Good sources: These include leafy vegetables, peas, legumes, liver, some fortified grain products, and sunflower seeds. Also, several fruits have moderate amounts.
Vitamin B12. It is water-soluble
Chemical names: cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin.
Function: It is essential for a healthy nervous system.
Deficiency: Low levels may lead to neurological problems and some types of anemia.
Good sources: Examples include fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products, fortified cereals, fortified soy products, and fortified nutritional yeast. Doctors may recommend that people with vegan diets take B12 supplements.
Vitamin C. It is water-soluble.
Chemical name: ascorbic acid.
Function: It contributes to collagen production, wound healing, and bone formation. It also strengthens blood vessels, supports the immune system, helps the body absorb iron, and acts as an antioxidant.
Deficiency: This may result in scurvy, which causes bleeding gums, a loss of teeth, and poor tissue growth and wound healing.
Good sources: These include fruit and vegetables, but cooking destroys vitamin C.
Vitamin D.It is fat-soluble
Chemical names: ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol.
Function: It is necessary for the healthy mineralization of bone.
Deficiency: This may cause rickets and osteomalacia, or softening of the bones.
Good sources: Exposure to UVB rays from the sun or other sources causes the body to produce vitamin D. Fatty fish, eggs, beef liver, and mushrooms also contain the vitamin.
Vitamin E. It is fat-soluble
Chemical names: tocopherol, tocotrienol.
Function: Its antioxidant activity helps prevent oxidative stress, an issue that increases the risk of widespread inflammation and various diseases.
Deficiency: This is rare, but it may cause hemolytic anemia in newborns. This condition destroys blood cells.
Good sources: These include wheat germ, kiwis, almonds, eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and vegetable oils.
Vitamin K. It is fat-soluble
Chemical names: phylloquinone, menaquinone.
Function: It is necessary for blood clotting.
Deficiency: Low levels may cause an unusual susceptibility to bleeding, or bleeding diathesis.
Good sources: These include natto, leafy greens, pumpkins, figs, and parsley.
Compiled and penned by Crocus Media